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C3 Technology

California, United States | 2009



Methyl-tert-butyl-ether (MTBE)
Tetrachloroethylene (PCE)
Trichloroethylene (TCE)

Petroleum Hydrocarbon and Chlorinated Solvent C3 Study

GEO's C3 Technology v. Thermal Oxidation at an Active Fueling Terminal

Project Description

The site is an active fueling terminal located in Van Nuys, California. The site has underground storage tanks of petroleum fuel as well as numerous above ground storage tanks for containment of various hydrocarbon and chlorinated solvent compounds.


Site Geology

Soils at the location consist primarily of interbedded layers of silt, clayey silt, sandy silt, and fin- to coarse-grained sand to the total depth of 190 feet below ground surface (bgs). Depth to groundwater was approximately 160 feet bgs.

Cross Section

Vapor Treatment System Design

Vapor-phase hydrocarbons removed over time

Cost Performance

Client reviewed estimated operational costs for thermal oxidation and refrigerated condensation (C3 Technology) and estimated a cost savings of $105,200 during the short period of time needed to reduce the vapor concentrations and change to granular activated carbon at a lower cost. C3 Technology removed over 13,000 pounds of hydrocarbons/VOCs in less than 11 months. The client has chosen to utilize GEO's unit as the long term SVE technology.

Estimated Costs for Start-up and Continued Operation Thermal Oxidizer v C3 Technology