Heating Tubes:
Target Temp:
Heating Period:
84 Days
Target Remediation Goal:
Elimination of DNAPL
Destruction Rate Efficiency:
Silty Clay
1700 m³
In Situ Thermal Desorption in conjunction with soil vapor extraction was used to remove volatile organic compounds which contaminated the groundwater and saturated soil areas of a former metal fabricating facility in Ontario, Canada. The site had VOCs detected above the Canadian water standard in various monitoring well locations.
50 wells were installed on ste, both inside and outside the facility, to a max depth of 5 meters. 30 GTR™ heaters and 12 SVE wells connected to the heating wells. The target temperature needed to successfully achieve remediation goals was 100°C.
The remediation goal was achieved in 84 days and saw a 98% reduction in groundwater contaminants. 99,719kWh of electricity and 144,482m³ of gas were used to run the system for the duration of the project.
This project proves that ISTD is uniquely positioned to be the most suitable thermal option for chlorinated sites, offering low cost options, scalable operations, and the ability to operate in both the vadose zone soil and groundwater applications and effectively treat shallow areas.