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C3 Tech

    Key Advantages
  • Zero Emissions Technology
  • Condenses Off-Gases Allowing Chemical Recovery
  • Insensitive to Changes in Vapor Concentration
  • Fixed Price
  • Used for SVE and ISTR Projects
  • Allows Recovery and Recycling of Contaminants
  • Fully Integrated with Our Thermal Treatment Systems
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C3 Technology

C3 Technology

The C3 Technology, developed by GEO, is a combination of compression, cooling, and condensation processes with a proprietary regenerative adsorption technology that efficiently recovers volatile orangic compounds (VOCs) from the off-gas vapor stream of soil vapor extraction (SVE) or dual phase extraction (DPE) systems.

The chemical is recovered as a non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) that is temporarily containerized in appropriate vessels for recycling or proper disposal. Generally, greater than 99.98% of the VOCs are recovered from the vapor stream. Dependent upon the contaminant and State or local agency, final effluent may be polished with granular activated carbon (GAC).

Process Description

  • Soil gas is drawn into the system and delivered to the air compressor by a 5 to 10-horsepower positive displacement blower.
  • Entrained liquids from extraction wells are separated at the water knockout tank. Separated liquids are securely drummed and transported off-site or captured with GAC and discharged to the sewer or storm drain in accordance with all local and State regulatory requirements.
  • Process air is compressed to approximately 150 pounds per square inch (psi) by the compressor.
  • Water vapor is removed from the process stream at the air-to-air heat exchangers as it is cooled to ambient temperature.
  • The vapor stream is further cooled to approximately -40°F in the refrigerated heat exchangers, where the chemical constituents are condensed and separated from the vapor stream.
  • The vapor stream is then sent to the regenerative adsorber, which removes any fugitive VOCs and directs it back to the inlet stream.

System effluent vapor stream [<10 parts per million by volume(PPMV)] polish utilizing granular activated carbon (GAC) prior to discharge to atmosphere may be required in some regions; there is negligible GAC consumption.

GEO currently manufactures standard units of 200, 300, 500, and 1,000 SCFM flow rate capacity. For larger SCFM requirements, GEO provides custom systems to meet your needs.

C3 Technology Process Diagram

Soil Vapor Process Flow

Soil Vapor Process Flow Diagram

Power Requirements

Flow Rate 200 SCFM 300 SCFM 500 SCFM
Power Requirements 480 VAC 3-phase and 150 AMP and 240 VAC 70 AMP 480 VAC 3-phase 200 AMP and 208/240 VAC 70 AMP 480 VAC 3-phase 300 AMP and 208/240 VAC AMP
Power Useage 75 KVA 105 KVA 170 KVA
Foot Print 25 x 30 ft 30 x 30 ft 35 x 50 ft
Carbon Polish Two 400lb drums Three 400lb drums Two 1,000lb vessels

Range of Recoverable Contaminants

Applicability Based on Highest and Best Use Efficiency

C3 = C3 Technology
GAC = Granular Activated Carbon

Contaminant Group Applicable Concentration Ranges
Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons) 1-500 ppmV 200-1,000 ppmV 500 ppmV
Fuels (gasoline, diesel, jet, heating GAC - C3
Simple Aromatics (BTEX) GAC - C3
Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) GAC - C3
4-ethylotoluene GAC - C3
Napthylene GAC - C3
Aldehydes GAC - C3
Alcohols/Phenois GAC - C3
Acetone ? C3 C3
Ketones GAC - C3
Stoddard Solvent GAC - C3
1,4-Dioxane ? C3 C3
Chlorinated Ethenes
PCE (Perchloroethene) GAC - C3
TCE (Trichloroethylene) GAC - C3
DCE (Dichloroethylene) GAC - C3
VC (Vinyl Chloride) ? C3 C3
Methelene Chloride ? C3 C3
Chlorinated Ethanes
TCA (Trichloroethane) GAC - C3
DCA (Dichloroethane) GAC - C3
CA (Chloroethane) ? C3 C3
CT (Carbon Tetrachloride) GAC C3 C3
CF (Chloroform) GAC - C3
DCM (Dichloromethane) GAC - C3
CM (Chloromethane) GAC - C3
CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons; Freon 113) ? C3 C3
HCFCs (Hydrochlorofluorocarbons) ? C3 C3
Pesticides GAC - C3
Hexachlorobenzenes GAC - C3
Pentachlorobenzenes GAC - C3
Tetrachlorobenzenes GAC - C3
Trichlorobenzenes GAC - C3
Dichlorobenzenes GAC - C3
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) GAC - C3
Furans GAC - C3
Dichlorobenzenes GAC - C3
1,3,5 Trymethylbenzene GAC - C3
1,2,4 Trimethylbenzene GAC - C3
Isopropyl Alcohol GAC - C3
Dyes GAC - C3

C3 Technology vs. Other Technologies

C3™ Technology Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Thermal and Catalytic Oxidation
High Mass Removal Rates= Reduced Remediation Time Yes
Applicable for Complex Mixture of Contaminants Yes
Fixed Price Regardless of Concentrations Yes
Cost Effective in Low VOC Concentrations Yes Yes Yes
Cost Effective in High VOC Concentrations Yes
Low Transportation Fuel Costs Yes Yes
NAPL Recycling and Reuse Yes
Potential for Formation of Greenhouse Gases Yes
Diffusion Limited Applications Yes