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GTR InSitu GTR ExSitu C3 Condensation Technology
GTR In Situ GTR Ex Situ C3 Technology
    Advantages of Gas Thermal Technology
  • GTR™ can be used for In-Situ and Ex-Situ application.
  • GTR™ can be used for In-Situ and Ex-Situ applicationuses natural gas, propane, or diesel fuel (instead of electricity) as the energy source to heat the subsurface,often at very competitive costs compared to other In-Situ remediation options, with more confidence and a shorter time frame!
  • Safety, certainty, and speed can be achieved at a lower price point than excavation.
  • Excellent for Clay Sites and Fractured Bedrock!!!
  • A wider available effective temperature range (100-400°C) means a larger number of contaminants that can be treated.
  • In-Situ Thermal Desorption is used where excavation is difficult, where a fixed price and fast execution are needed, to limit nuisances (excavation, noise, odours, traffic, etc), and where difficult access impedes other technologies.
  • Ex-Situ GTR™ is performed on-site to treat soil in piles or containerized units.
    Advantages of C3 Technology
  • Efficiently recovers volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the off-gas vapor stream of soil vapor extraction (SVE), dual phase extraction (DPE) systems, and thermal remediation applications.
  • Chemical is recovered as non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) that is temporarily containerized in appropriate vessels for easy recycling or proper disposal.
  • Greater than 99% of the VOCs are often recovered from the vapor stream.
  • C3 has the highest mass removal performance in the vapor treatment industry!
  • Fastest mass removal rates = shortest remediation time
  • Cost effective in both Low and High VOC concentrations
  • No formation of greenhouse gasses or terrible byproducts onsite!

About GEO

Alga Award

Valued Client Wins Sustainability Award with GEO's C3 Technology

One of GEO's clients, using our patented C3 Technology, won the ALGA Annual Clean Up Project Excellence Award at this year's semi-annual ALGA Ecoforum Conference in Australia. The project aimed to demonstrate efficiency and sustainable metrics during vapor
treatment of the site.

site tourheadquarters

G.E.O. Inc. is a woman owned small business that specializes in environmental remediation. At G.E.O. Inc. we have 25 years of professional experience in onsite remediation where elevated concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) are present. We are organized to serve and assist clients by providing service agreements or training for equipment operation, performance evaluation monitoring and sampling, system modification, and competitive pricing structures.